Monday, 28 April 2008

My most awkward appearance in gurney.

27th of April 2008

That day, early in the morning before i went for tennis lessons, my mum told me that we had to take family photos that day, in GP, so i was like, ok, that's no problem. Then she added another sentence, i want you to wear ur long sleeve shirt, pants, and a tie. 
I was like, stunned there for 5 seconds. 
I mean, id be ok if we were going to a dinner or some event, but GP! 
walking in GP for 5 hours, with a long sleeve shirt, pants, and a tie. 

But, after i was there for arnd 2 hours, it didn't feel THAT awkward anymore, and later, i took of my tie and folded my sleeves. xDDD 
That felt a whole lot better.

Here's some photos

