Wednesday 25 June 2008

My first poem. - The heart's cry. ( its not really good but bear with it. xD)

The Heart's Cry

The wolves were howling,
At the moon that was shining.
Shining but with an eerie feeling,
Was anyone looking?

Complicated feelings,
All too confusing,
The sky darkening, 
The wolves now whistling.

It's tempting,
nonetheless terrifying, 
Maybe I should stop thinking.

Sounds whistling,
Vision blurring,
Thoughts clogging,
I wish i never had this feeling.

After awakening, 
everything was saddening, 
the heart's crying, 
the wolves whining,
the wind sadly singing. 

Bells ringing, 
Is this the ending? 
I'm still handling,
the ending that is coming.

Is it too late?
Will i suffocate?
Have Faith,

I determine my fate.

The wolves howling,
At the moon that was shining,
now without an eerie feeling,
Will this be a new beginning?