Sunday, 14 December 2008

Never failing Love.

Sin is,

Like winter never fails to come,

Like addiction to vodka or rum,

Like  suction while in the swamp,

Even stronger than drug, to some.

Sin is,

Like a wind that never cease to blow,

Like a stream that never cease to flow,

Like parasites that will never let go,

Sucking all the life within you,

until you're hollow.

Sin is,

Like waves that never fails to hit the shore,

Like autumn leaves that never fails to fall,

No matter how hard I try,

I'm still banging on the wall.

Then i saw the glimmering of a ray,

Understanding that there's only one way,

And because of that, all has been paid,

No objection can be said.

Through infinite grace and endless mercy,

From the chains of sin I am set free,

No matter how it was, is and will be,

Through true repentance, into our hearts He will see.

We can never see behind the veil,

But we can be sure that His love is real,

He hears our sorrow cries and painful wails,

And loves us, no matter how many times we fail,

That love, is the only love that is real.