Wednesday, 12 November 2008

The tide. =)

Tide of Memories

Dreams are like fragile glass,

Just a glance, never lasts,

Repeating the sorrows of the past,

Crying over memories that has rust.

Looking up the distant sky,

Are they the same from when i asked why?

I waited, but got no real reply,

And you left, leaving only lies.

Remember the days when we laughed and cried?

Together on the same road we walked and flied,

I saw the sky, and thought it was gonna be wide,

But those days disappeared together with the tide.

I've given up, after so many tries,

From my slumber, i need to rise,

But those memories I will not part,

The rondo will still play, silently in my heart.

Random poem. lol.

Anyway, here's a really nice song. Scarlet the opening song for Ayashi No Ceres