It's been a long time since I blogged ( feel like I've said this quite a number of times xD)
It's a week away from exams and here I am. Blogging, not when exams are far away, but when everyone is cracking their heads studying. Calling myself weird, is an understatement.
Anyway, today I received a birthday card from a friend named Jiawei that I got to know through a summer camp (Nan Hua Summercamp) last year in Singapore. *a bit of promotion here, it's an awesome camp xD*
It was really nice receiving a birthday card all the way from another country, it's my first time receiving one. Makes me feel like, even though it's been a year, some of us still keep contact.
so here are some pictures of the card
Haha, It's been 2 years since I've started going to summercamps, I went to NanHua's summercamp in 2007 and also 2008. It was a really fun experience, and also where I learned to really smile in front of the cam. haha! I also got to know a lot of friends, though a lot of us are busy with our own stuff and don't really communicate alot these days, yet the memories of having fun, working, and eating together will stay there.
In March I went to a camp in Fu Jian, China, it's only between CLHS and He Shan High. Though most of the time we were stuck in their class listening to Maths, Science and History in CHINESE, still it was a really nice experience. Sorry, my mistake, it was an AWESOME experience.
You know normally we have negative opinions on chinese from China for being rude and stuff?
Haha, the students there were the friendliest bunch. You'd be smiling back at some student opposite the canteen without knowing who he or she is. A few of us also experienced this: walking on the school compound to find yourself suddenly asked to take a photo with some student you don't even know.
Most of us are still keeping contact, they go home only once a few weeks so we don't get to chat alot though.
We'd also be bombarded with a large amount of students in our tiny little hostel. It'd be full house and more than half the people needed to stand outside.
All in all we feel really really really welcomed.
In July it was the He Shan High's students turn to come to CLHS for a 'sorta like' camp thing.
According to them they didn't really enjoy the food, but they enjoyed the whole camp.
There was this girl 盼盼 who couldn't stop crying when she left my house to go to the airport. According to my friend she cried the whole way home. A really nice girl, *though she forced me to take photos for her throughout the 7 days xD*
I've always said to my friends that I was lucky to be able to go to so many international camps, and normally they'd perli me with : 'Use so much money leh. you rich mah'.
Haha, well actually, I think it's more worth for me to go then because for the Singapore camp I didn't pay alot, and the China camp I just paid for the air tickets, isn't it better than going yourself and paying for the hotel and food?
Actually the real worth is where I actually learnt a lot of different life styles, ed system, learn how to adapt to different places, and so on. And the best thing is I got to know a lot of friends. and I mean ALOT. some are just one time encounters, it still counts. With every different people I met from the camps I have a story to tell, how I met them, what we talked about, how we treated each other and so on.
It feels really good, knowing that at least I've been there, done that.
You guys who have opportunities to attend these kinda camps should really embrace it. ;)